The wife took a liking to this Brugmansia, for obvious reasons. We ordered it late last winter from Spring Hill Nurseries, and it finally arrived late in the summer. Much to my chagrin, hence me calling them out on it a year later.
Perhaps it was because it got in its container so late, it’s grown decidedly sideways. It came that way, but I was always a fan of Charlie Brown’s Christmas tree as well.
We brought it in for the winter, as Brugmansia can’t handle a southern Illinois winter. In the past I didn’t even need to take them to a dark room. All they needed was a corner away from the light, and for winter to kick in and me finding the cost of heating the house disagreeable.
Having a wife means having heat, which as it turns out is a good thing. But for the Brugmansias, it meant they never went dormant. And in fact, this one put off blooms all winter. No scent, but amazing colors and sizes.
We’ll see if it runs out of steam once it gets outside.
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